My name is Ayisha Jackson. I was born in Guyana, South America, raised in the Caribbean-American enclaves of Brooklyn and Queens, New York, and now navigate the cultures that sit both in-between and beyond. 
The culmination of my upbringing, education and lived experiences have brought forth a passionate Product-centered creative in my identity. I am fortunate that I get to live these out in training and profession. 
With an emphasis on social and environmental justice, I delight in engaging in hardware and materials design for developing sustainable solutions that center globally disenfranchised communities. 
I aspire for my designing to be a medium for this as it finds impactful utility, promotes speculative thoughtfulness, and invites restorative co-creation amongst those often left out of the design process. I hope you enjoy the ways this is reflected in my portfolio of process and work.
In my spare time, I love sharpening my photography and editing skills, knitting giant wool blankets, and making delicious recipes for my friends and family.